March 2016 – A-Ha! Moments with Brook Still

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March 2016 – A-Ha! Moments with Brook Still

Learning How to Receive & the Mastery of Letting Go


In this A-Ha! Moments with Brook enjoy the energetic downloads, teachings, meditations and discussions.  Here are some of the highlights from the class:


  • Understanding how our bodies move through all cycles of nature with focus on the Spring Equinox
  • Meditation on healing and balancing your ability to receive and clearing up the inappropriate energy of every gift you’ve received up to that point
  • Understanding the magic of how to move from the depths of winter into using that energy as the fertilizer for new positive growth through Spring
  • Giving from a state of grace instead of duty
  • How to embrace authentic vulnerability as our greatest defense
  • How to interact with people in a profoundly healing and healthy way
  • Why our nature is driven to pain or pleasure and how to end berating yourself
  • Why surrender is so challenging and a teaching on shifting this to be easier
  • Meditation to clear the resonance of disharmony in your body into alignment with what you truly want
  • How to work with someone very ill that is not able to do their emotional work
  • How to let go of taking things personally
  • How to invoke forgiveness with healthy boundaries
  • And more!


Free Healers Meditation for Overflowing Energy

Listen to Brook’s teachings on why we sometimes feel depleted when working or interacting with others and a powerful meditation to make sure you always have more than enough energy to be of the best service possible!

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